Security Monitoring

how do you know if a security camera is recording (3)

How Do You Know If a Security Camera Is Recording?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Nowadays, most businesses and homes have some sort of surveillance camera installed. CCTV systems not only protect homes and businesses and increase personal privacy, but also help keep families together. Nonetheless, they can’t perform their miracles unless they’re activated. How do you […]

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how do i reset my home alarm system (3)

What’s The Difference Between Surveillance Cameras And Security Cameras?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents In this day and age, there has been a significant increase in the number of families constructing their very own custom intelligent homes. These homes are also known as properties that are outfitted with security, home automation, and surveillance that is active

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what is application security monitoring

What Is Application Security Monitoring?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents The term “application security” is used to refer to the various safeguards implemented at the “application layer” of a company’s technological stack. Application security measures may include hardware, software, and operational safeguards to prevent unauthorised users from gaining access to sensitive data

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how do you know if someone is accessing your computer remotely

What Is A SIEM Solution?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Security Information and Event Management encompasses a wide range of specialised fields, such as Log Management Systems, Security Information Management, Security Log/Event Management, and Security Event Correlation (SIEM). Combining these features into a single, comprehensive view is standard practise. There is no

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