How Can I Protect My Home Without A Security System?

Table of Contents

    Without an alarm, is it possible to keep your home safe? Yes! There are a lot of sneaky ways to get into a home without the occupants being aware of it. Some of these sneaky ways include installing extra light, getting a dog, installing locks and bolts, and hiding valuables.

    To ensure the safety of you and your loved ones, giving attention to the security of your home should be a top priority. We have compiled a comprehensive guide to assist you in securing your home even if you do not have an alarm system.

    Preventing Break-Ins Without an Alarm System

    Use Smart Lighting

    There are a few ways in which bright lighting can be used to make a house safer.

    Keep up appearances that you are home even if you are not. The LED lights you can buy today are very powerful, and they can be managed wirelessly from your laptop or tablet. You can use these items while travelling, at the office, or in a traffic jam. As long as the intruders don’t check to see if anyone has come and gone from the house in the past couple of days, having the lights change on a timer can also be an effective deterrent. But if you’d rather not make that investment, you can always buy an outdoor light that has a motion detector and switches on automatically when night falls.

    As a second option, you could set up motion-activated floodlights to illuminate the exterior of your home. This option could be taken in conjunction with the first one, or it could stand on its own. Anyone snooping around your property will be exposed to the light, which may deter them from continuing their investigation. Putting in motion-activated lights is another way to deter burglaries.

    Get A Dog For Security

    German Shepherds and Rottweilers are the types of dogs that immediately come to mind when most people think of a guard dog. There are, however, many other types of dogs that can do the job just as well. Despite their small size, even quiet dogs like Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Dachshunds, and Chihuahuas can warn their owners of an intruder by barking nonstop and making a lot of noise. Putting out a “Killer” bowl or a “Beware of Dogs” sign can deter would-be burglars.

    If you’re not ready to commit to a four-legged pet just yet, there are plenty of other options out there. To make it seem as though a dog is always on guard duty, but you don’t actually have one, you can invest in a motion-activated electronic oversight committee that emits a barking noise.

    Jam Rods Beneath Your Doorknobs

    Put long rods into the gap between the door handle and the ground. This prevents anyone from the outside from opening the door without permission. These are available for purchase or can be crafted with the provided resources.

    Install broomsticks or long pieces of wood along the track at the base of each sliding glass door or window in your home if they open outward. This means they can no longer be accessed in any way. Don’t do this to the main entrance door. Avoid closing the door on yourself.

    Post Security System Signage

    An intruder can break in successfully even if he or she is unaware that your home does not have a working security system. Stickers, plaques, and yard signs can alert would-be intruders that they are being watched. DIY home defence tips are not foolproof, despite their low cost and ease of implementation. Most potential burglars won’t even bother trying to break into your home if they think an alarm is protecting it. But a few professional burglars who bother to pursue your home might just call your bluff, and that won’t do much for your kerb appeal.

    Lock And Secure Windows And Doors

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    Although this may seem like stating the obvious, many people still don’t take this important safety measure to protect their homes. Make sure your windows are latched tightly, and if your home has sliding glass doors, secure the back pedal with a dowel or rod. These measures are obligatory if you don’t want to spend money on an electronic security system. So, what can we take away from this? It is important to remember to lock doors and windows even when you are home because of the risk of intrusion.

    Keep Valuables Out Of Sight

    Don’t make it easy for potential burglars to see your valuables by storing them in plain sight. Storing expensive outdoor equipment like bicycles and tools in a garage or other outbuilding is a good idea. Valuables can be concealed inside by drawing the drapes or closing the blinds. Do not leave cash, jewellery, electronic devices, or sensitive documents where they can be easily seen. Your most precious possessions warrant the protection of a safe.

    Discretion is also advised when purchasing something pricey, which is another piece of advice we can give. Don’t be a braggart and don’t bring your shiny new TV boxes in. Boxes shouldn’t be kept in plain sight or right next to the entrance. That’s the same as telling crooks there’s a tonne of brand-new stuff for them to steal. Quickly and discretely throw away any boxes you find.

    Reinforce Your Windows

    It is essential to lock all of your windows, especially the ones near the ground, whenever you leave your home. If your windows don’t already have locks, you can get latches for them at a hardware store or a store that specialises in home improvement. Installing safety glass makes the window much harder to break. While metal bars can be used to keep intruders out of your home through the windows, their installation could be more time-consuming and costly.

    Leave Your Car In The Driveway

    If you are planning on being gone for a while and leaving the area, you may have thought about leaving your car in an airport parking lot. Your other option is to leave the car in the driveway at home. When a car is parked in the driveway, it gives the impression that someone is home and discourages would-be burglars and vandals from targeting the house. This can deter would-be burglars and further fortify the safety of the homeowner’s property.

    Keep Spare Keys In A Lockbox

    Some people put spare keys in inconspicuous places from which an intruder could steal them, such as under a mat or planter, behind a piece of pottery, or in a similar place. Some home insurance companies may deny claims when there are no visible signs of a break-in. The solution is a lockbox that requires the use of a combination. It can be used to conceal a key and then placed in an inconspicuous part of your house. Lock the box down tight so that a thief can’t pry off the broadcast television and carry off the whole shebang.

    Don’t Keep The Garage Opener In Your Car

    The remote can be taken from your car in a car break-in, allowing the thief easy access to your garage and home. This is a problem anytime your car is parked on your property, not just in the driveway, because the registration can reveal your address.

    Instead of keeping the controller, you could ditch it and replace it with a keychain remote. You can take it with you wherever you go, so you never have to worry about leaving it in your car.

    Have Someone Pick Up Your Mail

    If you have mail piling up in your mailbox, it’s clear you’re out of town. Requesting a neighbour to collect your mail while you’re out of town can help keep your home from looking deserted. A thief is more likely to break into your home if they see your mail box is overflowing with mail while you’re away.

    Lockdown Your Wi-fi Network

    Your home wireless network poses a security risk because it can be used to access your personal and financial information. In addition, burglaries are more likely to occur in homes that have been automated. If your Wi-Fi network is connected to any of your smart home devices or your security system, criminals may have direct access to your home.

    Eliminate Hiding Spaces

    Thieves will find your home easier to break into if you plant a lot of trees and shrubs around it. Getting rid of overgrown bushes and trees near your home will eliminate hiding places. Substitute smaller shrubs and flowers instead. Remove trees blocking access to windows or reinforce their security by installing additional locks.

    Defending Against Intruders

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    If You Suspect an Intruder, Contact the Police.

    As soon as it is safe to do so, you should leave your home if you see a burglar or have any other reason to suspect a break-in is in progress. If that’s the case, ditch the phone and make a hasty exit. Do not approach the intruder and immediately dial 911 to report the incident.

    • Maintain at least one locked room in your house. You should plan ahead instead of trying to figure things out as you go along.

    Install Motion-Activated Lighting.

    This device will alert you if there is someone outside your home. Both the range of the motion detector and the delay before the lights turn on again after being triggered are customizable. Put simply, motion detectors are both cheap and easy to install.

    • Keep in mind that motion detector lights can be triggered by anything from animals and passing vehicles to strong winds. What’s more, depending on where you are in the house at the time, you might not even notice when the lights come on.

    Invest in Items Which Can Be Used as Firearms.

    Conflict with an intruder should be avoided if at all possible, but self-defense may be necessary in some situations. Anything with a sharp end, such as a golf club or baseball bat, is ideal. Make sure that poisonous or sharp objects are out of reach of kids.

    • All sorts of household items can be repurposed into weapons in a pinch. A phone, a lamp, and a broom might all be conveniently located nearby.

    Have a Firearm if You Are at Ease With It.

    Keep in mind that firearms are potentially lethal and that proper training is necessary for their safe handling. One must be properly trained in the use of a firearm before purchasing one. Knowing the local laws on self-defense and firearms is crucial, as it may be against the law to shoot an attacker unless they are actively threatening you.

    • It’s common to find significant differences in gun possession laws between jurisdictions, even within a single state or municipality. In addition to undergoing a background check, you may be asked to complete a firearms safety course.
      Keep the weapon in a secure and safe place. Unless there is an immediate danger, the safety switch should be left on at all times.

    Stock Your Home With Pepper Spray or Mace.

    Pepper spray is an effective self-defense weapon because it does not necessitate strength or training to use. It’s inexpensive and sold by a wide range of stores and marketplaces both offline and online. Rapid immobilisation of the intruders buys you precious time to call the police.

    • Ensure that it is always out of reach of children.
    • You can use perfume or an acidic juice as a substitute for mace if an intruder breaks into your home and you don’t have any pepper spray or have never been exposed to it.

    How Difficult Is It To Break Into A House?

    Unfortunately, most modern homes can be broken into without much difficulty. An ineffective lock cannot compare to the consequences of breaking the law. However, the vast majority of daytime residential burglaries imply that this deterrent is ineffective. The issue here is that the vast majority of homes have at least one security vulnerability that can be used by experienced or professional burglars.

    Other Techniques To Stop Burglars

    Make Noise. Get Specific.

    Theft is a major problem, and security alarm companies advertise their products as miracle fixes. Because it is not an invisible force field, it does not protect against home invasions. Used properly, it can lessen the chances of a break-in.

    Install, activate, and turn on alarms. No one but those you can trust should know the secret code to the door. Because the alarm sounds AFTER a break-in has already occurred, law enforcement will be unable to locate the perpetrator(s). Problematic.

    When the alarm sounds, a potential thief may think twice about his or her actions. Why put up with the potential disruption of an intruder?

    The important thing is not to cover up the less-than-attractive sticker from the security company; THIS is what will actually deter would-be burglars from targeting your home. You shouldn’t even try to hide that sticker, much less all of them, for the sake of your landscaping.

    Avoid Posting About Your Vacation on Social Media!

    DO NOT advertise your upcoming travel plans or share photos of the Great Wall of China, the Grand Canyon, or other similarly well-known landmarks unless you are comfortable with the possibility of a home invasion. Leave a note for your neighbours to alert them to any upcoming absences so they can keep an eye out for suspicious activity.

    Honestly, People, Under the Doormat?

    Do any of your close friends or family members have access to your spare key? Potted? Where exactly is that mat? Under the door? For more information, please refer to our Policies:

    • It’s smart to share keys with a few trusted friends and neighbours rather than keeping a spare key on the premises.
    • You should contact some trusted friends and ask them to help you look for a lost key to your home.
    • Bury it in the yard after first wrapping it in aluminium foil. Do not, however, try to hide it under the doormat.

    Let There Be Some Limelight

    Successful burglary requires never being caught. The first rule is to avoid being spotted at all costs, so that you can carry out Rule 2 with relative ease. Third rule: no one will report you if they haven’t seen you.

    Even though the majority of break-ins happen during the day, the best time to do it is at night. You can make your house less inviting to criminals by increasing its lighting, both inside and out. Outside lighting should be bright to discourage theft. For those times when you know you won’t be able to get home before dark, automated lighting and a radio can help give the impression that someone is there.

    Lock It Up

    Even if all of your other home security measures fail, sturdy locks and doors should be enough to deter an intruder. Remember:

    Whether it’s made of wood or metal, the door must be constructed with SOLID craftsmanship.

    • I was wondering which strike plate was the best. Use screws that are at least three inches long when you secure it, as this type is made for prolonged use.
    • What kind of lock do you think is the safest? A deadbolt or button set with a deadlatch is an absolute must.

    Let’s Wrap:

    • First things first: make sure you have an alarm system installed.
    • DON’T broadcast the fact that you’ll be away from home for a few weeks; keep it to yourself.
    • Don’t let yourself become a statistic by hiding your spare key in a location frequently shown in media; think outside the box.
    • Programming your lights and radio to come on automatically in the evenings when you know you won’t be there makes it more difficult for would-be burglars to hide in the cover of darkness inside your home.
    • Make sure the door and the lock(s) it uses are as secure as they can be. Avoid trying to save money on either of these.

    An alarm system is the most efficient deterrent against burglaries and the best way to feel safe in your own home. While an alarm system is certainly a factor in and determiner of home security, a knowledgeable and competent security system specialist will know that it is not the only factor.


    If you don’t have a home security system, you’re taking a big risk. Without an alarm system, you can take measures like installing smart lighting, getting a dog, using locks and bolts, and concealing valuables. Motion-activated floodlights can be installed to illuminate the outside of the house, and smart lighting can be used to give the impression that someone is home when you are actually not there. As with a “Killer” bowl or a “Beware of Dogs” sign, a dog’s constant barking and loud noise can deter burglars, as can the presence of a dog. Installing jam rods beneath door handles, broomsticks or long pieces of wood along the track at the base of sliding glass doors, and securing the back pedal with a dowel or rod are all good methods of home defence.

    Keep your doors and windows locked, even when you’re home, and don’t advertise the fact that you have anything of value inside. Even though they aren’t 100% effective, these do-it-yourself home defence tips are a must if you don’t want to shell out the cash for an expensive electronic security system. Store expensive outdoor equipment in a locked garage or other outbuilding, and keep cash, jewellery, electronic devices, and sensitive documents in a safe to avoid making it easy for burglars to find them. Don’t flaunt your new expensive purchase. Install window locks and safety glass, park in the driveway, and secure any extra keys in a lockbox.

    This can make the home and its inhabitants more secure by discouraging would-be intruders. It’s important to have a lockbox that requires a combination in case your home insurance company rejects your claim because there were no obvious signs of a break-in. Avoid having your expensive broadcast television stolen by locking the box shut. Have someone pick up your mail while you’re away, get rid of places a burglar could hide, and call the police if you think someone is breaking into your home. You should leave your home immediately if you see a burglar or have any other reason to suspect a break-in is in progress, keep at least one room locked at all times, use motion-activated lighting, buy items that can be used as firearms, keep a firearm in the house if you feel comfortable doing so, comply with all local laws regarding self-defense and firearms, and store the weapon safely.

    Pepper spray is a highly effective, easy-to-use, and non-lethal self-defense tool. It’s cheap and widely available in shops and online. If you don’t own pepper spray or have never used it and an intruder breaks into your home, you can use this as a makeshift deterrent instead. Making noise, installing and activating alarms, turning them on, not announcing upcoming absences on social media, and leaving a note for neighbours are all additional methods to deter burglars. Instead of hiding a spare key under the doormat, you should give it to a reliable neighbour or friend and bury it in the yard after wrapping it in aluminium foil.

    Increase lighting, use automated lighting and a radio to create the illusion that someone is home at night. Secure doors and locks should keep would-be burglars out. The most crucial steps are installing an alarm system, not letting on that you’ll be gone for a while, using screws at least three inches long, and setting up timers for your lights and radio to turn on even though you won’t be there. Also, check that the door and any locks it may have are completely secure. While alarm systems are the single most effective method of preventing break-ins, they are not the only thing that should be considered.

    Content Summary

    • Without an alarm, is it possible to keep your home safe?
    • To ensure the safety of you and your loved ones, giving attention to the security of your home should be a top priority.
    • We have compiled a comprehensive guide to assist you in securing your home even if you do not have an alarm system.
    • Putting in motion-activated lights is another way to deter burglaries.
    • Avoid closing the door on yourself.
    • An intruder can break in successfully even if he or she is unaware that your home does not have a working security system.
    • DIY home defence tips are not foolproof, despite their low cost and ease of implementation.
    • Although this may seem like stating the obvious, many people still don’t take this important safety measure to protect their homes.
    • These measures are obligatory if you don’t want to spend money on an electronic security system.
    • It is important to remember to lock doors and windows even when you are home because of the risk of intrusion.
    • Don’t make it easy for potential burglars to see your valuables by storing them in plain sight.
    • Storing expensive outdoor equipment like bicycles and tools in a garage or other outbuilding is a good idea.
    • Don’t be a braggart and don’t bring your shiny new TV boxes in.
    • Reinforce Your WindowsIt is essential to lock all of your windows, especially the ones near the ground, whenever you leave your home.
    • Your other option is to leave the car in the driveway at home.
    • The solution is a lockbox that requires the use of a combination.
    • It can be used to conceal a key and then placed in an inconspicuous part of your house.
    • Instead of keeping the controller, you could ditch it and replace it with a keychain remote.
    • Requesting a neighbour to collect your mail while you’re out of town can help keep your home from looking deserted.
    • If your Wi-Fi network is connected to any of your smart home devices or your security system, criminals may have direct access to your home.
    • Getting rid of overgrown bushes and trees near your home will eliminate hiding places.
    • As soon as it is safe to do so, you should leave your home if you see a burglar or have any other reason to suspect a break-in is in progress.
    • Knowing the local laws on self-defense and firearms is crucial, as it may be against the law to shoot an attacker unless they are actively threatening you.
    • You can use perfume or an acidic juice as a substitute for mace if an intruder breaks into your home and you don’t have any pepper spray or have never been exposed to it.
    • The issue here is that the vast majority of homes have at least one security vulnerability that can be used by experienced or professional burglars.
    • Install, activate, and turn on alarms.
    • Do any of your close friends or family members have access to your spare key?
    • For more information, please refer to our Policies:It’s smart to share keys with a few trusted friends and neighbours rather than keeping a spare key on the premises.
    • You should contact some trusted friends and ask them to help you look for a lost key to your home.
    • Bury it in the yard after first wrapping it in aluminium foil.
    • Even though the majority of break-ins happen during the day, the best time to do it is at night.
    • Even if all of your other home security measures fail, sturdy locks and doors should be enough to deter an intruder.
    • First things first: make sure you have an alarm system installed.
    • Make sure the door and the lock(s) it uses are as secure as they can be.
    • An alarm system is the most efficient deterrent against burglaries and the best way to feel safe in your own home.

    FAQs About Security System

    What Time of Night Do Most Burglaries Occur?

    Because this is a prime timeline where many homes are not occupied, the majority of break-ins take place between the hours of ten in the morning and three in the afternoon.

    What Attracts Burglars to Homes?

    Features of a home such as trees , hedges, fences, and other items that conceal major points of entry are desirable to burglars because these features make it more difficult for the intruders to be seen while they are scouting the house or breaking into it. Doors that have windows in them make it possible to look inside a house to see if there are any people or valuables inside before breaking and entering.

    Does Leaving Outside Lights on Deter Burglars?

    Indeed, they are able to. They are less likely to find a home in an area with a lot of light because it is harder for them to hide their identity in the light.

    Do Alarm Signs Deter Burglars?

    Even though there are a lot of different things you can do to accomplish this goal-from keep your house well-lit to putting cameras to getting a dog-getting a home security sign is one of the most effective deterrents. A sign warning of the presence of a home security system is an excellent deterrent against would-be thieves.

    Do Burglars Come Back After Failed Attempt?

    The unfortunate reality is that if a burglary is “successful,” the intruders are likely to return to the same home in the future. Some studies have found that only 1.2% of homes were burglarized. 25 percent of burglaries have a follow-up within a week, and 51 percent have a follow-up within a month.

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